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Book Launches in Cyberspace

Karen Luke Jackson

There's growing excitement in the State of O'Silly about the publication of GRIT, the poetry chapbook about my sister, Janis Luke Roberts, and her alter ego, Clancey the Clown. Finishing Line Press will ship books the end of September.

In the midst of sheltering in place, three online launches are underway, a scenario which seems fitting for my sister’s imaginary world. Attend one or all by clicking on the blue highlighted text below at the appointed time and don't fall down any rabbit holes.

Thursday, October 8, from 7 – 8 p.m.

Redheaded Stepchild Karen Luke Jackson Book Launch and Open Mic, hosted by Malaiki King Albrecht, the journal’s founder and editor and current president of the North Carolina Poetry Society. Poets, be sure to bring a poem to share.

Sunday, October 18, from 3 – 4 p.m.

Roaring Good Ideas Celebration for friends, family, and Clancey fans in Ocilla, Georgia, Janis's and my hometown. Gift shop owner Sandra Sumner has asked that I talk about the book, read some poems, and answer questions from the audience. She and Andi McWhorter will host this event.

Tuesday, October 27 from 7 – 8 p.m.

Laugh-a-Lot Library's hour of merriment and fun. Zoom in to explore the ups and downs of clowning and hear stories behing the poems in GRIT. Ringmaster John Fenner, long-time colleague and friend, will act as emcee.

Don't have Zoom on your computer, ipad or iphone? Here's a link to the website where you can download the app ahead of time. The Zoom platform is easy to use and free. We're all learning new ways, as my sister would say, to make lemonade.

Looking forward to "seeing" you soon.


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